+357 (25) 581 992

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When working with you, we guarantee to maintain confidentiality.

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Detective Agency "Private Detective"

Why in our time, people are more likely to trust the private detectives? Why turn to private detective agency? The fact is that sometimes we find ourselves in a very awkward situation and our problems to be solved sensitively. These issues do not always fall within the competence of law enforcement. And sometimes our problems are solved by law enforcement agencies too long without proper zeal.

Our credo -

«My work is better than any promises!»

  • - we follow the rules, which are the criteria for the actions of any credible detective agency;
  • - we are the most open and honest with their customers, regardless of the arisen situation;
  • - we never promise more than we can really do, but always ensure the secrecy of our work with each client.

Carrying out test purchases

Carrying out test purchases in Cyprus

Any entrepreneur sooner or later confronted with the problem of declining demand for its goods or services. And, of course, to solve the problem you need to produce a comprehensive monitoring of the business. But among all the standard activities must necessarily be carried out test purchases in Cyprus. This service, which still bears the name of «mystery shopping» The Mystery shopper allows you to see the inside of the actions of companies that interact directly with clients and customers and can influence the increase or decrease in the profit of the company.

To order this method of marketing research, you only need to call Detective Agency "Private Detective Cyprus." The service "Mystery shopper" is performed by our staff who have been trained and training, then to act as ordinary consumers and draw conclusions on the work of our employees our customers. Despite the presence of certain techniques such work, we always use an individual approach depending on the scope of the company, from the range of goods and other nuances that affect the outcome of our work.


How you can help conduct test purchases?


A very important role in the success of any company plays customer service. And even if all other aspects of running a business you contemplate and bring a high level, the only one minus the part of your employees will be enough to your potential customers choose your competitors. And that service is a "secret shopper" will allow you to understand what you need to change in your entire staff to increase the loyalty of visitors, and, accordingly, affect the increase in profits.


Become our customers can be absolutely any firms and companies whose activities are directly related to the interaction with customers and clients. You call us, we will carefully study your situation and send his «mystery shopping» for the job, and then you get a detailed report about the problems in the work of your staff. With this you can solve this problem on their own, and can also take advantage of our services and advice of our experts. In some cases, it is not necessary to make any layoffs in the company if our secret shopper Cyprus report on the poor performance of certain employees. Sometimes it is enough just to change some of the principles of work, increase employee motivation. In some cases, required after the introduction of every innovation again attract Mystery shopper Cyprus. This issue is already an individual.


Here you can order the conduct of test purchases in relation to its competitors, to identify their strengths and implement in your business. This will help you understand exactly what helps them to be more successful and popular than your services.


Jealousy - it is one of the most negative feelings that nowhere can turn any dialogue in such a storm that already about any relationship and can not speak. And this happens even when there is absolutely no cause for jealousy.

If you have your own company or the company you work manager, then you will definitely want to your whole team has been faithful and responsible in achieving common goals.

Carrying out surveillance on people - it is a difficult task that requires not only specialized knowledge of every nuance, but also long-term practice. Indeed, in this case, any mistake can lead to failure. Therefore, if you need someone to spy

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