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Detective Agency "Private Detective"

Why in our time, people are more likely to trust the private detectives? Why turn to private detective agency? The fact is that sometimes we find ourselves in a very awkward situation and our problems to be solved sensitively. These issues do not always fall within the competence of law enforcement. And sometimes our problems are solved by law enforcement agencies too long without proper zeal.

Our credo -

«My work is better than any promises!»

  • - we follow the rules, which are the criteria for the actions of any credible detective agency;
  • - we are the most open and honest with their customers, regardless of the arisen situation;
  • - we never promise more than we can really do, but always ensure the secrecy of our work with each client.

Handwriting analysis

Implementation of handwriting analysis in Cyprus


Handwriting analysis - a set of techniques to produce a study of handwriting from the point of view of the mental state, reflected in it the man who had written the text. Observations allow experts to declare with absolute accuracy, all of which different characteristics of the handwriting can provide very valuable information not only about the nature of man, but his temperament, the state at the moment when he wrote lyrics about his true attitude to the written, or rather to the to the content and the subject of writing. Carrying handwriting analysis will allow to take into account all the information known to psychologists, about a particular person, and also gives the opportunity to get as much information about the circumstances in which he was created a handwritten document.


Thus, if you are faced with a situation where you need to determine as precisely as possible the conditions under which was created handwriting or signature was put certain person at a certain document, we recommend that you contact Detective Agency "Private Detective Cyprus" to our employees was carried out handwriting examination in Cyprus. Danae services may require you, if you have any doubts about the legality of the will of some of your close relative. If you are sure that the person does not voluntarily made the paper or the paper is fake, then spent our handwriting expert will allow you to get all the answers to all your questions. And a very important point is that our results and a report will be prepared by an official opinion of experts, which you can use in all instances result in evidence of his innocence and confirm their suspicions.


When is the graphological examination by experts of our detective agency "Private Detective Cyprus," they do not know who it belongs to the handwriting and the purpose for which we had ordered the service. Similar conditions for our work guarantee independence and the lack of results even minimal interest of experts in specific answers to customer questions. Handwriting examination in Cyprus can be used also in the investigation of a crime. Moreover, these crimes do not necessarily have to wear it a criminal character. It is possible that you are a victim of fraud or a scam, blackmail. It is possible that you have written the text, which has played an important role in your life, but it was in a deranged state. It is possible that you intentionally introduced into such a state by using drugs. All of this will reveal graphological examination carried out by employees of our detective agency.


Jealousy - it is one of the most negative feelings that nowhere can turn any dialogue in such a storm that already about any relationship and can not speak. And this happens even when there is absolutely no cause for jealousy.

If you have your own company or the company you work manager, then you will definitely want to your whole team has been faithful and responsible in achieving common goals.

Carrying out surveillance on people - it is a difficult task that requires not only specialized knowledge of every nuance, but also long-term practice. Indeed, in this case, any mistake can lead to failure. Therefore, if you need someone to spy

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